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Tanzania Energy Cooperation Summit Agenda

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Panel Discussion: Connecting the Dots: Public-Private Partnership in Transmission Projects

31 Jan 2024
Baobab Room 1 & 2

Highlighting progress in energy transmission and understanding what framework can be best adopted in Tanzania

  • Update on transmission and interconnection projects: the ZTK and the North-East Grid.
  • How will the different transmission and interconnection projects shape the national and regional energy sector?
  • What does this imply for the private sector?
  • What PPP models can be adopted to successfully meet Tanzania’s specific needs?
Aleem Tharani, Head of Projects, Energy & Infrastructure - Bowmans
Angela Nalikka, Manager - AfDB
Asano Seizaburo, Senior Representative in charge of Power - JICA
Joe Corbett, Technical Director - Gridworks
CĂ©line Robert, Country Director - AFD Tanzania