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Tanzania Energy Cooperation Summit Agenda

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Hosted Workshop: EU, UNDP & UNCDF

01 Feb 2024
Baobab Room 3

Investing in Efficiency: Tanzania's Clean Cooking Revolution & the Power of Innovation

  • What impact do Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) have on the deployment of efficient technologies and the overall transition to clean cooking practices?
  • What investment opportunities exist for the private sector in the realm of clean cooking, and how can they be leveraged for sustainable development?
  • Are there untapped opportunities for further collaboration and innovation in the realm of clean cooking and energy efficiency?
  • How have off-grid solutions contributed to improving energy access, especially in remote areas, and what challenges and opportunities do they present in promoting clean cooking?
Lamine Diallo, Head of Natural Resources - Delegation of the European Union in Tanzania
Samwel Kessy, Manager Research - TANESCO, United Republic of Tanzania
Eng. Advera Mwijage, Director of Renewable Energy & Alternative Technologies - Rural Energy Agency (REA)
Imanuel Muro, CookFund Programme Manager - United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Rehema Mbalamwezi, Vice President Operations - UpEnergy
Chris Mbori, CEO - Eenovators Limited
Eng. Atupele Kilindu, Researcher, Energy Engineer - Tanzania Industrial Research & Development Organisation (TIRDO)